Monday, October 29, 2012

Featureless Faces.

These two pieces of work are probably some of my favourite pieces. I created them from the primary image below and my intention was to make them completely featureless. At first i intended to highlight them with the words 'no face, no soul, just piercings and tattoos' which sums up the work quite well. I wanted to show how i think society refuses to look past tattoos and piercings at the actual person underneath amd created the images as a way of showing how i think society sees people like me. For the coloured piece i used acrylic paint and paonted with my hands as an alternative to a paintbrush because i wanted the work to look imperfect again as a way of showing how society views people with body modifications. I also used unnatural colours as a way of showing how we are 'not normal'. I am very proud of this piece because of the ways that the colours work together and just the way it looks in general i think is very effective.
The second piece is done with ink and water. It is the same principle as the one opposite it however i decided to experiment with different materials to create the same effect. Overall i prefer the coloured one because i think it has more depth to it.

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