Friday, November 2, 2012

The mouth

<p>I created this piece to experimet with my own style. Firstly i draw the piece in fineliner pen and then used watered down acrylic paint for the colour. I really like the way the fineliner ran into the acrylic and the way that using paler colours make it easier to build the colour up so that it dosent blend. I decided to change the meaning of my work for this piece in particular because i wanted to show a contrast from prejudice against piercing to showing what i think is good and appealing about piercing. I based my work around an image i found online, i really like this image but it was almost impossible to find the artist of the image as i found it from a blogging website. I also changed the image and incorporated my own piercings to the picture to add a personal touch (images of origional picture and my piercings)</p>

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