Friday, November 2, 2012

Edited images

I chose a small selecton of my primary reseaech images to edit. At this point i was mostly just experimenting with photo editing however i found a lot of effects i am really happy with to use in my work. I espeically like the 3D effect and the scratchy effect with the red overlay. I did these images on my mobile phone and was not expecting to have such a good outcome. I like the scratchy effect because i find that it makes the images look eerie and scary which i find could be used to represent the way people act intimidated by people with body modifications as though we are 'monsters' from a horror movie in extreme cases. I also like the 3D effect because i think it shows the way society sees people with body modifications as 'blurred' and not quite right. I think that the way you need 3D glasses to see the image properly is parallel to the way that society needs a proper state of mind to see us properly. As much as this may not make sense to other people it comes from personal experience and may be easier for people who have been subject to similar experiences to empathise with.

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