Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pastel perfecting.

I decided to work with Pastel some more after researching Chuck Hodi and attempt to create another piece inspired by his work as i think my forst attempt failed. The two large businessmen characters i created in the style of Hodi's characters and are a representation of society trying to control the puppet. The puppet of course being a literal representation of youths with body modifications. I created this piece totally from imagination without using any of my primary images because i think that working from imagination is a better way to work for me because my pieces always turn out better when working completely from imagination. I like this piece because i think it has a lot of meaning behind it and because it is more creative than any of my other pieces. I think it could possibly be improved by using acrylic or coloured pencils but it would be hard to say if it would be a definate improvement.

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