Monday, October 29, 2012

Our Free Time

OI created these pieces of work to highlight common stereotypes that are used about people with body modifications. The first piece of work i did to show how people with Body Modifications are sometimes mistreated in public. I have created this purely from personal experience. I used the technique of scratching in to photographic paper again as a border to the image. I used this image which was origionally intended for my research because i think that the way it looks like the mouth is screaming highlights the whole piece of work and symbolises the way i feel when people act this way towards me. I like this piece because of how personal it is and i think the printed background works well with the scratched photographic paper. I think it could be improved with using a picture of my own piercings in a way but may not look as authentic and it might look a little fake.
I created the other two pieces to show stereotypes regarding what people think modified people do in their spare time. There is a huge misconception that people with piercings and tattoos are part of cults or practice witchcraft, although i think this is an outdated view i still think it is important to show it in my work because it is a very large stigma attached to people like me and is, in the case of me and my friends, far from true. This is why i created the ouija board. For the piece on the right i used an ink pad to create a background as i think it creates a very grungy effect and for the ouija board background i used ink and bleach to create a dirty wood effect. I do not like the piece on the left because i think it is missing another piece of imagery. I think there is too much background showing and although it could be easily fixed i Dont think that anything else would be fitting to put there. I like the ouija board piece because it was my first attempt at experimenting with ink and bleach and i think it worked very well. I think for it to be improved i should have either made it on only one page or found a way to make ot morw spread out and fill up more of the page. For the ouija board i also created my own lino tile for the design in the middle. I got my inspiration from a design on a ouija board in my local piercing studio which i was not allowed to photograph amd created my own based on it.

Useful links:
I used this article to look at common misconceptions of people with body modifications and to get another persons view on it.

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