Monday, October 29, 2012


I began my project by researching Body Modification from its origins to present day. I thought that by looking into the history of Body Modification and the use of it in different cultures that i would have a wider understanding of the subject. I looked at the history of Body Modification (Otzi the Iceman and various tribal cultures) and Body Modification in our culture today and used examples of celebrities to show that Body modification is more widely accepted in western cultures today. I also looked at various types of Body Modification to different extremes (Hair dying, Surgical modification, piercings and tattoos)
After researching all i could think of i have decided that i want to base my work around modifications i am familiar with such as hair dye, tattoos and piercings, mostly because it will be easier to collect primary research on but also because it is what myself and my friends have experienced prejudice against the most.

Useful links:

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