Monday, October 29, 2012

Identities hidden by Stereotypes

I created this piece by spraying fixitive on my hands and printing it onto tracting paper and using ink to decorate over the top and around the hands afterwards. I like the effect the fixitive prints make as it makes the hands look ghostly and as the hands are the representation of the identities i think this works well. I have drawn over the hands in ink to contrast the darkness of the shapes over the white and grey of the hands and the background to make the tattoos on the hands look more prominent so that the attention is drawn to them rather than the hands as is the case in real life. I used the words 'identities hidden by stereotypes' just to highlight the issue i am trying to get across with this piece of work. I like this piece because i think that the idea of the hands being ghostly and representing identities is true to life and means a lot and since it was my first experimentation with fixative on tracing paper i think it was very successful however i was not expecting the ink on the hands to dry so blue and i now know i should have used a darker ink to improve it. I also think it could be improved with better tattoo designs on the hands.

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