Monday, October 29, 2012

Artist Research

Polke: I chose to research Polke as a starting point because of his work with Graffiti, halftone dots and layering. I think that his work is interesting and the techniques used in his work could be applied to mine to make it more effective. I was also planning to use a lot of photo manipulation in my work which would help me to acheive work inspired by Polke's. Whilst researching Polke i found out that he was a German artist whi experimented with a wide range of materials in his work, he also founded a new movement called "Kapitalistischer Realismus" in 1963 with Gerhard Richter and Konrad Lueg, this was also referred to as "Socialist Realism". I tried to use my own work to create a piece inspired by Polke however i find that it does not bring across the point that i wanted it to in a subtle way. I think this is because it is made as a collage and the imagea do not fit together very well and none of the images used are primary research. I also think a variation of colour would have improved it. I think to improve this piece it should be done on a computer instead of a collage.
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