Monday, October 29, 2012

Religious Perspectives

The first perspective i thought to look at in terms of my work was a religious perspective because it is very controvertial. I think that one of the reasons that people are prejudice is because of religious views and i wanted to bring this point across in my work.
Many people believe that it is against gods will to modify your body from certain teachings in the bible:
Lev 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD
I wanted my work to represent the way in which strongly religious people may be predjudice towards people with body modifications.
For these pieces i experimented with scratching into photographic paper, a technique which i am new to, with a border of printed letters. I decided that scratching the letters into the photos would make it effective because the images look more eerie and 'evil' in a way which is what i was trying to get across as i think some religious people may see the changes we make to our bodies as being a sin or an evil deed. I like the end product but i think that again for it to be improved i should have used my own images, i plan to come back to this technique with my own images at a later date.

Useful links:
(i used this religious forum to find the correct quotes from the bible teachings and to gather oppinions from religious people about body modifications)

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