Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The freakshow posters

 These pieces were inspired by Sailor Jerry's style, in the sense that they are very cartoonized. I wanted to use the idea of a 16th century traditional freak show in my work because of the way that they ostracize people with visual deformities, in the same way that society still discriminates against people who do not classify as 'normal' today, which is exactly what I wanted to bring out in my work. I was inspired to use this idea by a website I was shown by a tutor, it had colourful posters similar to the ones above, however what really interested me was the old photos taken of the 'freaks', they were taken using very very old film and all of the images looked very macabre and sinister. most of them definitely showed a lot of isolation as well as they were taken in empty large circus tents with just one single chair in the centre and nothing or nobody else behind. Most of the 'freaks' also shwed an overwhelming sense of sadness, this is why it attracted me and I think that if I had have had more time and the resources to do I so i would like to have made a larger print of these images as poster sized pictures and done a photoshoot similar to the ones I had been looking at in the ame macabre fashion.  

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